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Balcony and terrace garden design mumbai
Residential Gardens


Residential landscaping can be defined as the art and  practice of improving the appearance and aesthetic appeal of a home using living plants. Each home and its landscape should be a reflection of the people who live there. 


Perhaps one of the most recent ideas in gardening is that of balcony gardening. Balcony gardening has enabled many people who were previously unable to garden because of the lack of space. These days many people live in apartments, and are now transforming their balconies into gardens. Even in a busy city like Mumbai, a green balcony can still become a gathering place for friends, despite its size. 


Vertical gardening is an innovative solution to space constraints in land-scarce Mumbai. No space is wasted in the balcony as the vertical space can be transformed into beautiful vertical gardens. Since this design uses only the wall, it allows the balcony floor to stay clean and saves valuable floor space. A combination of turf and wood can be used to transform your balcony floor. 


Here at Nature Nurturer, we offer tailor-made residential landscaping designs and services  to cater to your needs. We understand that in big cities like Mumbai even a tiny green space is cherished. So we go out of our way to make sure that your residential landscape is manicured to perfection.

Contact us so that we can create a beautiful balcony garden designed to serve your gardening needs.


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